Server commands list

I. Common

/cmds - server commands
/admins - admins online
/admin - feedback
/report [rulebreaker's ID] [rule] - report a rulebreaker to online admins
/vips - VIP players list
/loc [id] - show player's location
/invisible - hide your marker on the map $100000 (+ /loc will not expose your location)
/crimes [id] - player's crimes list
/cr - your crimes list
/guns - call a weapons trader
/drugs - call a drugdealer
/drugdealers - display drugdealers list
/gundealers - display weapons traders list
/drivers - display drivers list
/services - services
/vehhelp - vehicle commands
/inject - inject drugs (after buying it)
/taxi - call a driver
/911 [msg] - call the police
/03 [msg] - call the ambulance
/pm [id] [msg] - personal message
/gmg - get weapons (inavailable in jail or being wanted + requires a weapon permit if you are not wanted)
/health - refill health and cure diseases
/sellhouse - sell a house (available when you are in your house)
/buy - buy a business
/sell - sell a business
/kill - commit suicide
/balance - display your bank balance
/handsup - surrender
/lotto [1-100] - buy a lottery ticket (costs $1000)
* Winners numbers are announced each 15 minutes
/rank [id] - display player's rank

II. Vehicles

/lock - lock doors
/unlock - open doors
/ej [id] - eject a player from your vehicle
/ejectall - eject all passengers
/vehsell - sell a vehicle
* You can sell any vehicle, including your own or stolen from another player. VIP-vehicles, police and ambulance cars can't be sold.

III. Crime

/rob [id] - rob a player
/robshop - rob a store
/holdup - rob a bank
/escape - jailbreak attempt
/brc - attempt to break handcuffs
/appeal - appeal a verdict
/bribe - offer a bribe (miminal amount is $5000)
/pay - pay ticket (when fined)
* Removes your wanted level. Otherwise increases it.
* You can also use sumbussion key (in a vehicle) or middle mouse button (on foot) instead of using the command.


/skill (or N button) - pick a skill
/scommands - display your skill's commands

/terlevel - display your terrorist level
/blowcar - plant a time bomb in a vehicle
/bomb - plant a time bomb
/plant - plant a remote bomb
/detonate - detonate the last planted bomb

/rapelevel - display your maniac level
/rape [id] - rape a player

Increasing your maniac level you can infect players with diseases:
20 level: syphilis
50 level: HIV
70 level: AIDS

The difference between diseases is in speed and percentage of losing health.

Weapons trader
/showguns - provide weapon list

/selldrugs - provide drugs
/narko - inject a drug

Car jacker
/steal - steal a bought vehicle

/onduty - on duty
/offduty - off duty

/heal [id] - heal a player

IV. Police

/cuff [id] - handcuffs
/uncuff [id] - take off handcuffs
/ar [id] - arrest
/tk [id] - fine
/pu [id] - ask to pull over and step out
/detain [id] - detain a player
/search [id] - frisk a player
/cf [id] - disarm
/rp [id] [reason] - report criminal activity and increase player's wanted level for 1 star
/warrant [id] [reason] - issue a warrant and increase player's wanted level for 3 stars
/bk - call for backup
/emp [id] - kill an engine
/radio [msg] - radio
/respond - respond last call
/agree - accept a bribe
/decline - refuse a bribe
/rb - set spikes
/drb - remove spikes
/block - roadblock
/unblock - remove roadblock
/spec [id] - spectate a player

* In commands /cuff, /ar, /pu, /tk a specific ID is not required. If you didn't write an ID, the command will find a closest player.
* You can use left Alt button instead of /cuff, /ar and /tk.
* To fine a player when you are in a vehicle, you can use sumbission key, or middle mouse button when you're on foot.

V. VIP-commands

/vip - open VIP-menu
/vsay - send a message as VIP
/votekick [id] [reason] - start voting for kicking a player
/pmon - enable personal messages
/pmoff - disable personal messages
/setnumber [number] - change a number plate of your vehicle. Use A-Z, a-z, 0-9. Totally you can use 8 symbols.

VI. Admin commands

/admincmd - admin commands list

1st level Admin:

/kick [id] [причина] - kick a player
/warn [id] [причина] - warn a player
/slap [id] - slap
/write [color ID] [msg] - send a message with a certain color
/announce [msg] - сообщение на весь экран (поддерживает только латинские буквы)
/asay [msg] - send a message as an admin
/a [msg] - sent a message to admin chat
/re [msg] - reply to last report
/eject [id] - eject a player from his vehicle
/goto [id] - teleport to a player
/gethere [id] - teleport a player to you
/teleplayer [id] [id] - teleport a player to another player
/mute [id] - prevent a player from sending messages
/freeze [id] - freeze a player
/unfreeze [id] - unfreeze
/explode [id] - explodes a player
/disarm [id] - disarm a player
/showinfo [id] - display player's actual info
/ip [id] - display player's IP adress
/akill [id] - kill a player
/flip - flip a vehicle you're riding
/spec [id] - spectate a player
/specoff - stop spectating
/sethealth [id] [0-100] - set a value of health
/setarmour [id] [0-100] - set a value of armor

2nd level Admin:

All 1st level commands +

/ban [id] [reason] - ban a player
/jail [id] [seconds 10-500] - put a player in jail
/giveweapon [id] [weapon id] [ammo] - give a weapon with a certain amount of ammo
/carhealth [id] [0-1000] - set health of a player's vehicle. at value 200 it starts burning
/carcolour [id] [color 1] [color 2] - change player's vehicle colors
/clearchat - removes all messages from the main chat
/force [id] - force a player to class selection
/say - send a message as an admin (nickname is not shown)

3rd level Admin:

All 1st and 2nd levels commands +

/setwantedlevel [id] [0-200] - set value of a player's wanted level
/copban [id] [0-1] - police ban. 0 - unban, 1 - ban
/armyban [id] [0-1] - army ban. 0 - unban, 1 - ban
/accinfo [account name] - request account data
/setskin [id] [id скина] - change player's skin
/seepms - enable/disable displaying personal messages
/tune - tune a vehicle you're riding
/repair - repair a vehicle you're riding